I can't understand why my bo platform consumes o much place, it was 400 Gb after several months of work. Firstly, I thought that problem was because of huge amount of schedule reports.
But I was wrong.
The problem was in Linux Core Files:
But I was wrong.
The problem was in Linux Core Files:
A core file is an image of a process that is created by the operating system when the process terminates unexpectedly. This file can be very useful in determining what went wrong with a process. The production of core files can be enabled by default, depending on the distribution and version of Linux® that you have.
Path: <....>/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64
Some of files are very heavy - apr. 20 Gb.
The reason of creating this files - Falling of Web Intelligence Processing Server. If I Webi server could use 20 Gb Ram (in CMC you could define thresholds), and huge report consumes more than 20Gb, webi server will restarted, and core file will created. Make sense?:)
It's easy to solve this problem, just switch off this feature in Linux.
Some commands:
ulimit -c
# check the current corefile limit
ulimit -c 0
# turn off corefiles
ulimit -c x
# set the maximum corefile size to x number of 1024-bytes
ulimit -c unlimited
# turn on corefiles with unlimited size
ulimit -n unlimited
# allows an unlimited number of open file descriptors
ulimit -p
# size of pipes
ulimit -s
# maximum native stack size for a process
ulimit -u
# number of user processes
help ulimit
#list of other options