четверг, 27 июня 2013 г.

SAP BO 4 - How to enable tracing for BI4.0 client applications


How to enable tracing for Web Intelligence Rich Client (known as "Interactive Analysis Desktop" prior BI4.0 SP2) - WRC?
How to enable tracing for Universe Design Tool - UDT?
How to enable tracing for Information Design Tool - IDT?


There are two ways of tracing the BI client applications listed in the Environment section – select which ever suits you better:

Trace configuration file
Environment variable
For both scenarios a trace configuration file is required, the difference is only in the file name and location.

Trace Configuration file

The content of the file should be:

active = true;
importance = '<<';
size = 100000;
keep = true;
log_dir = @"<output_path>";


<output_path> is the location where the log files will be created
An equivalent to '<<' in the importance parameter is xs (e.g.: importance = xs;)
The @ sign before the "<output_file>" is important to locate the directory, especially for Java based clients (IDT, WRC)
If severity parameter is used in the trace configuration file, make sure it has a space between the single quotas, in order to get a full trace, e.g.: 
active = true;
importance = '<<';
severity = ' ';
size = 100000;
keep = true;
log_dir = @"<output_path>";

1. Tracing via trace file

Each client searches for the trace configuration file in different folders. Bellow is the list of the paths and file names for each client application. To enable tracing, create a trace configuration file with the name and in the location appropriate for the client.

Universe Designer Tool:

..\SAP BusinessObjects\designer_trace.ini
..\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86\designer_trace.ini
 Information Designer Tool:

..\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\conf\BO_Trace.ini
 Web Intelligence Rich Client:

..\SAP BusinessObjects\WebIRichClient_trace.ini

2. Tracing via environment variable

Tracing via environment variable simplifies tracing by using the same name and location of the trace configuration file regardless of the client application being traced. To enable tracing, create the trace configuration file and the environment variable pointing to the file:

Right-click My Computer > click Properties > Advanced tab > Environment Variables
Click New in the System or User variables section
Create BO_TRACE_CONFIGFILE variables. For example:
Variable_Value: c:\botrace\BO_trace.ini
 OK > OK to exit the dialog boxes

On Windows 7 the Environment variables are in Start > right-click Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Advanced tab
User environment variables overwrite System environment variables – make sure the variable is created only once
It is also possible to create a BO_TRACE_LOGDIR environment variable, however if log_dir parameter is used in the trace configuration file, it will override the BO_TRACE_LOGDIR environment variable
Always make sure you specify the location of the log files (either in the trace configuration file log_dir parameter, or via BO_TRACE_LOGDIR environment variable to avoid creating the logs in multiple folders
If both tracing via a trace file, and environment variable is configured, the BO_TRACE_CONFIGFILE takes precedence

Database connection tracing

In certain occasions, more details are required on the database communication. There is a way to trace the communication between the client application and the DB driver via the connection server (CS) layer. Most of the relational databases connections could be traced via the CS (cs.cfg). Please check the referenced Knowledge Bases at the end of this document for specific database connection tracing

To enable CS database tracing follow these steps:

Navigate to the cs.cfg file located in "..\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\dataAccess\connectionServer"
Open the cs.cfg file in a text editor such as Notepad
Make sure the trace near the bottom of the file is activated
<Traces Active="Yes">
Save and close the file

The CS trace is enabled by default
For UDT and WRC there will be no extra file created, the logs will be written into the application log
For IDT the CS logs will be written into "InformationDesignTool_<PID>_<timestamp>_trace.glf"

Log file output

Each BI client application creates different trace logs. Include all files when sending to SAP support:

Universe Designer Tool:

Information Designer Tool:

Web Intelligence Rich Client:

wicdztrace folder