пятница, 28 июня 2013 г.

SAP BO 4 - BI Launchpad error dummt.action.Mobile_Document_Properties

I got problem with SP6, and I decided to uninstall SP6.
After this operation I got problem, when I click right button on web intelligence report:


I got the problem, because Tomcat left old cash from SP6.

1. Go to the wdeploy directory in the BusinessObjects directory
2. Check that the config.tomcat6 file points to the right location
3. Run the following command: wdeploy.bat tomcat6 deployall
4. Attempt to log into the CMC

If this fails, then try redeploying the WAR file once again, without
using wdeploy as follows:

1. Stop Tomcat
2. Go to the Tomcat Web App directory (usually C:\Program Files\SAP
3. Delete the BOE directory - this gets re-deployed by tomcat due to
the BOE.xml file in tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\.
4. Go to the Tomcat Work directory (usually C:\Program Files\SAP
BusinessObjects\Tomcat\work) and continue down to Catalina\localhost.
5. Delete the BOE directory - this gets recreated on startup.
6. Start Tomcat
7. Wait a few minutes while Tomcat recreates the directory and
regenerates it's cache.
8. Attempt to log into the CMC.

SAP BO 4 - Maximum binary output size limit reached (ERR_WIS_30271)

I worked with universe, and when i try to save data in excel or CSV i got error:

Maximum binary output size limit reached (ERR_WIS_30271)

We got this error  because SAP BO allows us to save document with some restrictions, these we can modify CMC.

- Log in CMC with admin rights
- Go to Servers
- Choose properties of Webi server
- Change parameter  Maximum Binary File Size 
(Default value=50 MBytes; Maximum value = 65535 MBytes).
- Apply and save, then restart server

четверг, 27 июня 2013 г.

SAP BO 4 - How to enable tracing for BI4.0 client applications


How to enable tracing for Web Intelligence Rich Client (known as "Interactive Analysis Desktop" prior BI4.0 SP2) - WRC?
How to enable tracing for Universe Design Tool - UDT?
How to enable tracing for Information Design Tool - IDT?


There are two ways of tracing the BI client applications listed in the Environment section – select which ever suits you better:

Trace configuration file
Environment variable
For both scenarios a trace configuration file is required, the difference is only in the file name and location.

Trace Configuration file

The content of the file should be:

active = true;
importance = '<<';
size = 100000;
keep = true;
log_dir = @"<output_path>";


<output_path> is the location where the log files will be created
An equivalent to '<<' in the importance parameter is xs (e.g.: importance = xs;)
The @ sign before the "<output_file>" is important to locate the directory, especially for Java based clients (IDT, WRC)
If severity parameter is used in the trace configuration file, make sure it has a space between the single quotas, in order to get a full trace, e.g.: 
active = true;
importance = '<<';
severity = ' ';
size = 100000;
keep = true;
log_dir = @"<output_path>";

1. Tracing via trace file

Each client searches for the trace configuration file in different folders. Bellow is the list of the paths and file names for each client application. To enable tracing, create a trace configuration file with the name and in the location appropriate for the client.

Universe Designer Tool:

..\SAP BusinessObjects\designer_trace.ini
..\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86\designer_trace.ini
 Information Designer Tool:

..\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\conf\BO_Trace.ini
 Web Intelligence Rich Client:

..\SAP BusinessObjects\WebIRichClient_trace.ini

2. Tracing via environment variable

Tracing via environment variable simplifies tracing by using the same name and location of the trace configuration file regardless of the client application being traced. To enable tracing, create the trace configuration file and the environment variable pointing to the file:

Right-click My Computer > click Properties > Advanced tab > Environment Variables
Click New in the System or User variables section
Create BO_TRACE_CONFIGFILE variables. For example:
Variable_Value: c:\botrace\BO_trace.ini
 OK > OK to exit the dialog boxes

On Windows 7 the Environment variables are in Start > right-click Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Advanced tab
User environment variables overwrite System environment variables – make sure the variable is created only once
It is also possible to create a BO_TRACE_LOGDIR environment variable, however if log_dir parameter is used in the trace configuration file, it will override the BO_TRACE_LOGDIR environment variable
Always make sure you specify the location of the log files (either in the trace configuration file log_dir parameter, or via BO_TRACE_LOGDIR environment variable to avoid creating the logs in multiple folders
If both tracing via a trace file, and environment variable is configured, the BO_TRACE_CONFIGFILE takes precedence

Database connection tracing

In certain occasions, more details are required on the database communication. There is a way to trace the communication between the client application and the DB driver via the connection server (CS) layer. Most of the relational databases connections could be traced via the CS (cs.cfg). Please check the referenced Knowledge Bases at the end of this document for specific database connection tracing

To enable CS database tracing follow these steps:

Navigate to the cs.cfg file located in "..\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\dataAccess\connectionServer"
Open the cs.cfg file in a text editor such as Notepad
Make sure the trace near the bottom of the file is activated
<Traces Active="Yes">
Save and close the file

The CS trace is enabled by default
For UDT and WRC there will be no extra file created, the logs will be written into the application log
For IDT the CS logs will be written into "InformationDesignTool_<PID>_<timestamp>_trace.glf"

Log file output

Each BI client application creates different trace logs. Include all files when sending to SAP support:

Universe Designer Tool:

Information Designer Tool:

Web Intelligence Rich Client:

wicdztrace folder

вторник, 25 июня 2013 г.

SAP BO 4 with Oracle database - config parameters oracle.prm

I got the problem:

In our dwh in business layer we have some fields like name, id, size. These fields are key words in Orcle and we should use they in quotes (""). For example:

From tablename

doesn't work, we should modify query:

From tablename

Now it works.

But adding quotes is possible only via Universe Designer, but not via Information Design Tool.

And we have 2 options, how to fix it:

1)Modify tables, views and etl or procedures.
2)Add parameter to Oracle.prm file: DELIMIT_IDENTIFIERS

1. Close IDT
2: Navigate to that following location and edit the Oracle.prm file-
C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects
Enterprise XI 4.0\dataAccess\connectionServer\oracle
3: add below mentioned parameter:
<Parameter Name="DELIMIT_IDENTIFIERS">YES</Parameter>
4: launch IDT.
5: Try to create a new DFX, BLX and check the check the object names. 

And now our query will be:

From "tablename"

But works properly.

понедельник, 24 июня 2013 г.

SAP BO 4 Installation error "THE PRODUCT KEY CODE IS INVALID : INS00140"

I try to install SAP BO 4 on my vmware machine using temporary keys, but getting this error:

Solution was - replace file isKeyCodeValid.exe  file in SAP BO: 
download here

SAP BO 4 [[error.cmsQueryFailedException]0]

When refreshing the Web Intelligence  (WebI) report getting the following error:

The user does not have sufficient rights on the universe.

1. Log on to CMC.
2. Go to Universes.
3. Right click on the corresponding universe and select User Security.
4. Click on Add Principal, add the specific user as a principal and click Add and Assign Security.
5. Grant the following rights:
     a)Data Access
     b)Retrieve Universe

How to locate SAP BI Platform and BusinessObjects Enterprise software downloads on the Service Marketplace (SMP)

If you log into service.sap.com first time, this information can be helpful:

  1. Go to http://service.sap.com/swdc
  2. Click the Installation and Upgrades item on the left-hand sidebar
  3. Click on the Browse our Download Catalog sub-item
  4. Click the Analytics Solutions link in the main content area

SAP BO 4 Web Intelligence main disadvantages

I found 3 disadvantages in new Web Intelligence which disappointed me, because in BO 3.1 i didn't meet these problems.

1) Every time, when i am creating new report, this report has bad option - "retrieve duplicate rows" by default. - There is currently no way to set the default option for this. It is
on by default. You can use Idea Place (ideas.sap.com) to submit an
enhancement request to allow this setting to be controled.

2) When I created chards and saved them in Excel - they are saved as pics, unfortunately. - 

This is by design. I have attached kb 1664009 that explains this.
1664009 - Web Intelligence charts are converted to image in Excel on BI4.0 environment


  • Charts are automatically converted to the closest corresponding chart format available in Excel on XI3.1 environment
  • Charts are converted to image in Excel on BI4.0 environment
  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0

Reproducing the Issue
  1. Logon InfoView on XI3.1.
  2. Create a document with one chart by using eFashion universe.
  3. Export the document to Excel.
  4. Find chart is automatically converted to the closest corresponding chart format available in Excel.
  5. Logon BI launch pad.
  6. Repeat step2,3.
  7. Find chart is converted to image in Excel on BI4.0 environment.

This behavior on BI4.0 is by design.
You can submit your vote for this feature using the link below:

SAP BO 4 - Incomplete Operation Detected

During SAP BO Patch Installation I lost connection to server, and next ti,e when i am trying to   instal new patch, i got error:
"Incomplete Operation Detected" and two options: 
But no one doesn't work:(

Unfortunately SAP Support didn't know how to fix this bug, and suggest me to delete production system and install again! In this time i am very disappointed SAP Support;)

And I found Solution:

SAP BO Installation folder hold folder "InstalData" where we can find sqlite db InstallManifest.sqlite

One of tables holds incorrect data after last terminated installation process - DUTransaction

pk = 5 and committed = 0

We have to update this to "1", that's it.

Solution (Linux):
#cd <…>\InstallData\
#sqllite3 InstallManifest.sqlite 
#sqllite3>UPDATE dutransaction SET committed=1 WHERE pk=5;

Relaunch setup.sh

Tableau Software Technical Case 2 States by Strike Count

What are the top states in which strikes occur?

Our map from the previous exercise is great at telling in which states the most strikes have occured. However, a map is not the best way to see the precise order of most to least. A bar chart is a good way of visualising a ranked list, or as a way to reveal highs and lows. Generally, a bar chart is a safe choice as a good way to visualize quantitative information that can be compared.

So we're not reproducing work, go ahead and duplicate your map by right clicking the tab at the bottom and clicking "duplicate." Then, drop down the show me menu and select bar chart. Hover your mouse over the bar labeled "N/A" and select exclude. Then, drag "Cost - Total $" from measures to the color shelf. Finally, sort this chart so the states with the largest entries at the top by clicking the one-click sort button on the action bar below the menu options (it looks like three bars with an arrow on the side going down). If you wish, you can also edit the color palette displayed in the same way we did for our map.

суббота, 22 июня 2013 г.

SAP BO 4 Mobile installation and config for Linux

Recently, i have installed SAP BO Mobile, and config it on my IOS devices, such as IPAD and IPHONE.

I would share this process.

First off all, after installation SAP BO4 SP5 or SP6 i went to SAP BO installation folder where modifyorremoveproducts.sh is.

We choose second point end press enter.
Here we expanded products tree, choose Web Tier and mark Mobile, press enter and installation process will begin.

When Installation is finished. We should create Mobile Category in CMC or BI Launch Pad:
Then we have to check mobile properties:

#nano mobi.properties

# This is a configuration file for Mobi. This file should be carefully edited.
# Definition of ‘Mobile-ready’ documents for different request sources
# <requestSrc>.corporateCategory=cat1,cat2
# <requestSrc>.personalCategory=personalCat1,personalCat2
# Only documents that belong to the specified categories will be returned for a particular requestSrc.
# If the entries for a particular requestSrc is missing, then the values mentioned for “default” requestSrc will be used.
# Define the report format in which you need to get it from the server. Provide different options for page mode and
# output type for the data.
# Valid values for requestSrc are:
#                             default, iphone, ipad, bbphone, bbtablet, androidphone, androidtablet
#blackberry mobile
#blackberry Tablet
Any content that you will want to share on your mobile device, you will have to categorize in the mobile category. To do this, find the document(s) in your CMS, right click, and choose category. Select the Mobile category. If you do not have a mobile category, you will have to create one.

In your SAP MoBI application on your mobile device, create a connection using the following parameters:
a.  Name: Enter a description for the connection
b.  Server URL: servername:porttomcat
c.  CMS Name: <Server Name>:CMSport
d.  Authentication: Enterprise
e.  Username: Your SAP username
f.  Password: Your SAP password

среда, 19 июня 2013 г.

Tableau Software Technical Case1 Geografic Indications

When strikes happen, from where do they originate?

Our data set contains a dimension marked with a globe called Origin State. The globe indicates that Tableau
has automatically identified the field as containing geospacial information. Select that dimension, then open
the "Show Me" menu in the upper right of Tableau. Tableau will give you the option of creating different types
of visualizations based on the types of dimensions and measures selected. Tell Tableau to create you a map.

Maps are good for visualizing location data, but can be overused. Maps are very good for seeing general
spatial distributions, and for complementing other visualizations that give more specific information. (A map,
for example, is very good as a filter on a dynamic dashboard.)

Hint: Once you have a map, try dragging measures onto the map to see how the visualization automatically

TODO: In the next tab title "Geographic Indications", recreate the visualization above.

Source data:

1) Select (left click) "Origin State" on the dimensions shelf.

2) Drop down the "Show Me" menu in the upper right corner and click the filled map

3) Drag "Number of Records" from measures onto the visualization. Tableau will make an educated guess and assign "Number of Records" to color. We could do the same thing by dragging "Number of Records" directly to the color box on the marks card.

4) Change the color palette by clicking the upper right of the color caption and going to "edit colors." Choose the red-green color palette and check "reversed" to make red represent the high end of the spectrum.

вторник, 18 июня 2013 г.

SAP BO 4 Upgrade Management Tool for Linux

SAP BusinessObjects 4.0 Upgrade Management Tool - special tool for deploy your old SAP BO system (XI R2/R3.1) on new SAP BO 4.

Tool provides 2 approach:

  2. Copy from old system to new

Here is example, how you should do in Linux, if you want to extract BIAR on your new Enviroment:

At first, go to # cd <SAP BO INSTAL FOLDER>/enterprise_xi40/java/apps/upgradeManagementTool/jars

Here run script:
#java -jar upgrademanagementtool.jar -mode biartolive -biarfile "/PATH/BIAR_FILE_NAME.biar" -destination CMS:PORT-destinationusername "Administrator" -destinationpassword "PASSWORD" -logfile "/PATH/myLogFile.csv"

SAP BO 4 Promotion Management Tool (Lifecycle Management Tool)

Promotion Management Tool for SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 is a
web-based tool that enables you to move BI resources from one system to another system, without
affecting the dependencies of these resources. It also enables you to manage different versions of BI
resources, manage dependencies of BI resources, and roll back a promoted resource to restore the
destination system to its previous state.

Main tasks:
Promotion -This feature enables you to create or update infoobjects in the destination system. Apart
from promoting infoobjects, it enables you to perform the following tasks:

  • Create a new job
  • Copy an existing job
  • Edit a job
  • Schedule a job promotion
  • View the history of a job

Managing Dependencies - This feature enables you to select, filter, and manage dependents of
infoobjects in the job that you want to promote.
Scheduling - This feature enables you to specify a time for job promotion, rather than promote a job
as soon as it is created. You can specify the time for job promotion by using any of the following
parameters: hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly.
Security - This feature enables you to promote infoobjects along with the associated security rights.
You can also use this feature to promote infoobjects associated with application rights.
Test Promotion - This feature enables you to check or test the promotion to ensure that all the
preventive measures are taken before the actual promotion of the infoobjects.
Rollback - This feature enables you to restore the destination system to its previous state, after a
job is promoted. You can roll back an entire job or a part of the job.
Auditing-Theeventsgeneratedby thelifecyclemanagement consolearestoredintheauditdatabase.
The Auditing feature enables you to monitor the events that are logged in the audit database.
Administration options - This feature enables the administrator to configure the parameters of the
lifecycle management console.
Version Management -This feature enables you to manage different versions of the same document.
It also enables you to track the changes in the directory.
Promoting Overrides - This feature enables you to promote the overrides through a job promotion.

The main purpose of this tool is creating LCMBIAR for backuping your SAP BO objects. This tool help you to save LCMBIAR in

  • FTP
  • Send by mail (little file only)
  • Local folder of Server
  • Local folder of other computer, for example user computer

SAP BO 4 error with 1Mio rows (wis 30270)

In SAP BO 4.0 SP6

On refreshing WebI report which retrieves more than a million rows
throws the below error :-

An Internal error occured while calling 'getPages' API, Error
ERR_WIS_30270) WIS 30270.


The report cannot be generated.
Please contact your administrator:

==Resolution Summary==
SAP official answer:
"We have replicated this issue and this is raised as defect in the
product and raised as technical escalation.
We have received a positive update from the SAP PG team.

Firstly, we have received an adapt PR: ADAPT01695721, Milestone:
AURORA_4.0_Patch6.x candidates"

They offered workaround for WebI Rich Client and Server. Below
are the steps 

For server (windows only):
Change "MaxThreads" to 1

For Richclient:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SAP BusinessObjects\Suite XI
Change "MaxThreads" to 1

I changed in Web Int Rich Client and it helped me.

But it was a problem to find this parameter in RHEL environment.
It is in
...SAP instal directorie/data/.bobj/registry/32/software/sap businessobjects/suite xi 4.0/default/webintelligence/calculator/.registry

But it didn't help.

wait FixPack:/

Answer of SAP support:

"I have consulted this issue with our Webi team and found out that
the issue is still there for Linux environment even after making the
registry change and currently registry entry change only works for
windows System. "

"The current workaround available for Linux is to by applying filter
reduce the number of rows so that it can work correctly"

"Informed that as per the ADAPT01695593 this issue is fixed in Patch
3 i.e. 6.3 and SP07"

Also we can check matrix of new products:

In SAP note 1689146 - How to monitor release dates for upcoming service packs and fix packs?