пятница, 19 сентября 2014 г.

Oracle BI Installation and Configuration

Follow the standard Oracle guides for installing and configuring OBIEE and the necessary components.  The following has added information on the integration with Teradata.


The Oracle Business Intelligence Server software uses an initialization file named NQSConfig.INI to set parameters upon startup. This file includes parameters to customize behavior based on the requirements of each individual installation.  Parameter entries are read when the Oracle Business Intelligence Server starts up. When you change an entry when the server is running, you need to shut down and then restart the server for the change to take effect. When integrating with Teradata, there are a few parameters in NQSConfig.ini that must be in sync with settings on the database.  The NQSConfig.INI file is located on the BI server in the subdirectory OracleBI_HOME\server\Config.
·      LOCALE specifies the locale in which data is returned from the server. This parameter also determines the localized names of days and months.   Below is part of the chart that shows the settings for the different languages.  See the OBIEE installation and configuration guide for the full list of settings.
·      SORT_ORDER_LOCALE is used to help determine whether a sort can be done by the database or whether the sort must be done by the Oracle Business Intelligence Server.   As long as the locale of the database and OBI server match, OBI will have the database do the sorting.  If they do not match, OBI will do the sorting on the server.  If SORT_ORDER_LOCALE is set incorrectly, wrong answers can result when using multi-database joins, or errors can result when using the Union, Intersect and Except operators, which all rely on consistent sorting between the back-end server and the OBI Server.

·      NULL_VALUES_SORT_FIRST specifies if NULL values sort before other values (ON) or after (OFF). ON and OFF are the only valid values. The value of NULL_VALUES_SORT_FIRST should be set to ON.  If there are other underlying databases that sort NULL values differently, set the value to correspond to the database that is used the most in queries.

Here is a screenshot of a typical NQSConfig.INI file:

Syntax errors in the NQSConfig.INI file prevent the Oracle Business Intelligence Server from starting up. The errors are logged to the NQServer.log file, located in the subdirectory OracleBI_HOME\server\Log.

OBIEE Feature Table

When you import the schema or specify a database type in the General tab of the Database dialog box, the Feature table is automatically populated with default values appropriate for the database type.  The database dialog box can be found by selecting ‘properties’ after right clicking on the highest level folder in the physical model.

The feature table holds which SQL features the Analytics Server uses with this data source. You can tailor the default query features for a data source or database. For example, if “count distinct” operations don’t always perform well in your environment you can try turning this function off.  This may or may not help performance as OBIEE will pull back the list and do the count distinct on the server. 

Full outer joins are usually used by OBIEE when joining 2 fact tables via a dimension.   Depending upon the data this may or may not perform well.  Turning this feature off would force the server to do 1 query against each fact table and then join the results on the server.  If the result sets are small this could be faster than the full outer join. 
If you do choose to change the default settings just remember that this is the global default.  What helps one query may hinder another.

The drop down list for source database has 3 choices for Teradata.  The Teradata choice is actually mislabeled.  This actually has the settings for Teradata. There are no customizations required for the supported features settings.  If you do choose to change the default settings just remember that this is the global default.  Below is a screen shot of part of the Feature Table settings.

Connection Pool Configuration

The connection pool is an object in the Physical layer that describes access to the data source. It contains information about the connection between the Analytics Server and that data source.  The Physical layer in the Administration Tool contains at least one connection pool for each database. When you create the physical layer by importing a schema for a data source, the connection pool is created automatically. You can configure multiple connection pools for a database. Connection pools allow multiple concurrent data source requests (queries) to share a single database connection, reducing the overhead of connecting to a database.

Call Interface

During configuration of the connection pool you should ensure that the ‘call interface’ is set to the correct ODBC version.  This will maximize function shipping to the Teradata database.

Maximum Connections

For each connection pool, you must specify the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed. After this limit is reached, the Oracle BI Server routes all other connection requests to another allowed connection pool or, if no other allowed connection pools exist, the connection request waits until a connection becomes available.

Increasing the allowed number of concurrent connections can potentially increase the load on the underlying database accessed by the connection pool. Test and consult with
your DBA to make sure the data source can handle the number of connections specified in the connection pool. 

In addition to the potential load and costs associated with the database resources, the Oracle BI Server allocates shared memory for each connection upon server startup. This increases Oracle BI Server memory usage even if there is no activity.

When determining the number of concurrent connections you must not confuse users with connections.  For instance if you have on the average 10 users simultaneously hitting a dashboard that has 10 queries embedded then you have 10 users times 10 concurrent connections.  On the other hand if your users are only doing ad-hoc queries then you would only have 10 concurrent connections. 

Based on the number of concurrent queries, the Oracle Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide has the following advice for maximum connections:

“For deployments with Intelligence Dashboard pages, consider estimating this value at 10% to 20% of the number of simultaneous users multiplied by the number of requests on a dashboard. This number may be adjusted based on usage. The total number of all connections in the repository should be less than 800. To estimate the maximum connections needed for a connection pool dedicated to an initialization block, you might use the number of users concurrently logged on during initialization block execution.”

To restate a piece of Oracle’s advice – they believe that only 10-20% of simultaneous users are generating concurrent queries.  This obviously will vary by customer and should only be considered as a starting point for fine tuning.  The OBIEE online help states that you should have different connection pools for:

·      All Authentication and login-specific initialization blocks such as language, externalized strings, and group assignments.
·      All initialization blocks that set session variables.
·      All initialization blocks that set repository variables. These initialization blocks should always be run using the system Administrator user login.

Because each Oracle BI Server has an independent copy of each repository and hence its own back-end connection pools, back-end databases may experience as many as N*M connections, where N is the number of active servers in the cluster and M is the maximum sessions allowed in the connection pool of a single repository. Therefore, it may be appropriate to reduce the maximum number of sessions configured in session pools.

Other experts recommend:
·      Create a separate connection pool for the execution of aggregate persistence wizard. Remember that you need to give the schema user owner credentials for this connection pool as the wizard creates and drops tables
·      If need be create a separate connection pool for VIPs. You can control who gets to use the connection pool based on the connection pool permissions.

Lessons from Teradata Professionals
Advise from a Professional Services Consultant:

Concurrency is one of the trickiest questions to address in my experience. 500 concurrent users will likely not translate to 500 concurrent queries.

The OBIEE interface design will determine how many queries will be submitted concurrent with a single user accessing the page. If the queries are sub-optimal even a couple of them may cause issues.  When faced with such questions from the customer we have tried to highlight that it is query performance more than the concurrent users that will matter in the long run. If all the queries are well-tuned and finish in a few seconds, then it is not likely that one will see too many queries running concurrently on the system.

[At a large customer I] found that an OBIEE application having more than 500 users never had more than 10 users logged in simultaneously and even fewer queries running concurrently.

Advise from a Professional Services Consultant:

I had 8000 marketing and sales users on a system and they were targeting 50 concurrent users. In reality, we saw 12 max concurrent QUERIES with 1.5 to 2 being the normal load.

Use multiple BI users (connection pools) to access TD to spread the resources as we allocate spool, CPU, etc by user. Use the OBIEE cache facilities so as not to re-execute the queries for another user trying to get same info.

Define concurrency well before the test. Are they talking about 500 users logged on and doing normal work plus studying charts, getting coffee, etc, or 500 concurrent queries? They are vastly different…

Connection Pool Timeout

Connection pools work in conjunction with the “connection pooling timeout” setting.  The timeout specifies the amount of time, in minutes, that a connection to the data source will remain open after a request completes. During this time, new requests use this connection rather than opening a new one (up to the number specified for the maximum connections). The time is reset after each completed connection request.  If you set the timeout to 0, connection pooling is disabled; that is, each connection to the data source terminates immediately when the request completes. Any new connections either use another connection pool or open a new connection.

Multiple Connection Pools

The typical BI server will have one “connection pool” login to Teradata.  However, when different end-users need to be given different priorities on Teradata the single connection pool connection may not suffice.  In this case, multiple connection pools could be configured in the OBIEE physical layer.  Each connection pool user name can then be assigned a different Teradata account.  Multiple connection pools allow for multiple Teradata logins and therefore allow each login to each have its own priority/security assigned. 

Teradata Query Band Configuration

OBIEE can be set up for Teradata Query Banding (QB).  This should be considered a work-around until full query banding functionality is built into OBIEE.   To enable QB, the appropriate SQL is added as a connection script that is executed before each query.  This is found in the connection pool properties for the Teradata database.   On the “connection scripts” tab there is an “execute before query” section.  By clicking on the “new” button the following sql can be added:

set query_band = 'ApplicationName=OBIEE;ClientUser=valueof(NQ_SESSION.USER);' for session;

The metadata for the server needs to be reloaded via the Answers link or by restarting the OBIEE server.  The DBQL tables will then reflect the OBIEE user executing the query.   In this example the OBIEE server logs into TD with the user called sampledata.  Each OBIEE user is then identified with the query that they ran via the query band.  There are 2 users that ran OBIEE answer reports: demo and Administrator.

The query banding must be set for the session.  Setting for transaction won’t work due to the way that OBIEE sends the sql to Teradata.  Other arguments may be added to the query band.   

For more information on Query Banding in Teradata see the Teradata Orange Books “Using Query Banding in Teradata Database 12.0”, “Using Query Banding in
Teradata Database 13.0” and “Reserved QueryBand Names”.

Changing the Type of Source Database

If you have OBIEE configured against a warehouse and you forklift the warehouse to a different platform, Oracle fully supports changing the data source from the original platform to the new platform.  No other OBIEE configuration changes should be necessary.  If only forklifting a database was so easy!  No data type changes to worry about, no population scripts …
OBIEE has the capability to write data to the Teradata database.  This could be used by users who want to do planning or budgeting on a small scale. They could use OBIEE both as a reporting tool and also for entering sales quotas or budgets etc.  In Answers write-back is configured on a report by report basis.  The columns that are available for write-back appear in a box format for the end user.

There are multiple steps to configure write-back: 
  • The privilege must be explicitly granted to each user from Answers (even administrators).  The navigation path is: Answers > Settings > Administration > Manage Privileges > Write Back 
  • The column(s) that are to be written back to the database must then be identified in each Answers report.   Column Properties > Column Format tab > Value Interaction > Type > Write Back
  • Create a XML Template that holds the sql to execute for the write-back in the {ORACLEBI}/web/msgdb/customMessages folder.  You must include both an <insert> and an <update> element in the template. If you do not want to include SQL commands for one of the elements then you must insert a blank space between the unused opening and closing tags.
  • Set the write-back properties for the report.  The Write-back property button is only visible in Answers “table” view.

  • Each connection pool name must be unique in the entire .rpd file.
  • Make the table that write-back is enabled for “not cacheable”.  This is an attribute on the physical property box for the table under the “general” tab.