I decided to install SAP BO 4.1 SP3 on Windows 7, however I got error, that I can't perform installation on Windows 7 and I need at least Windows Server 2008.
But you can easily jump this barrier and install SAP BO on your laptop with Windows 7. From my experience, you need at least 4 Gb RAM.
How to do it:
Go to
And modify xml file product.seed.xml. I've done it via notepad++. You can do it even in notepad.
Find this part:
<prerequisite id="getWindowsVersionPreReq 2" description="#prereq.WindowsServerVersionPreReqText#" reason="#prereq.WindowsServerVersionPreReqNotOkText#" type="error"> <action id="CompareVersion"> <arg name="maxVersion" value=""/> <arg name="minVersion" value="6.0"/> <arg name="VersionNeedToCompare" value="[$os.version]"/> <arg name="Property" value="Windows2008Above"/> <arg name="AllowedSuffix" value="Server"/> </action> <condition property="Windows2008Above" value="1"/> </prerequisite>
You need to replace "Server" by "Workstation" and it will works.