вторник, 16 июля 2013 г.

SAP BO 4 Audit database doesn't work

After installing SAP BO4 on rh, i found that audit db doesn't work.
I found solution:

1. As root execute the following steps:
cd <db2_install_directory>/sqllib/security
chown root:root db2ckpw
chown root:root db2chpw
chmod u+s db2ckpw
chmod u+s db2chpw

2. cd <db2_install_directory>/sqllib/security64
chown root:root db2ckpw
chown root:root db2chpw
chmod u+s db2ckpw
chmod u+s db2chpw

3. Ensure each of these files has execute rights
4. Restart the db2 database (db2shutdown.sh, db2startup.sh)
5. After verifying the connectivity, you can execute the following commands:

su - <bi4user>
db2 connect to AUDBOE14
db2 create bufferpool USERBP_8K SIZE 150000 pagesize 8K
db2 create user temporary tablespace USERTEMP_8k pagesize 8k managed by  automatic storage extentsize 32 overhead 10.5 prefetchsize 32  transferrate 0.14 bufferpool USERBP_8K
db2 create large tablespace  USERSPACE_8k pagesize 8k managed by database using \(FILE  \'/usr/sap/SBT/SBT/NODE0000/AUDBOE14/T0000003/userspace_8k.LRG\'  115200\) extentsize 32 overhead 12.67 prefetchsize 32 transferrate 0.18  bufferpool USERBP_8K
db2 disconnect

6. configure Auditing from CMC.